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Mergify Promo Code

Tool logo mergify on the deal of Freelance Stack


Premium Deal
2 deals available
Automate your GitHub workflow
Mergify automatically merges pull requests when they're ready so you don't have to. You set the rules, it does the rest.
Illustration of Mergify on the deal page of Freelance Stack
2 deals available
Premium Deal #1
Premium Deal #2

4 months free

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.

Up to $21,000 in credits

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers as well as existing customers.
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general information

january 2025 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 4 months free on Mergify.

Save 4 months free on Mergify thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer you discount, promo codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online services for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer exclusives and validated discount that we negotiate directly with publishers to save you money. Our promo codes enable thousands of startups, freelancers and consultants to save thousands of euros when purchasing software.

Don't wait any longer and save 4 months free on Mergify.

Software information 


Mergify is a workflow automation platform designed for managing pull requests in software development projects. It allows development teams to more efficiently handle pull requests on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket. Mergify automates tasks such as automatically merging pull requests when predefined conditions are met, managing labels, and keeping branches up to date.

The platform helps streamline review and deployment processes by reducing manual interventions and accelerating the development cycle. With its flexible configuration options and integrations with version control tools, Mergify enhances the efficiency of development workflows and facilitates smoother management of code contributions.

Doing manually what should be automatic is frustrating:
Your team spends too much time managing pull requests. That makes your development tedious. Especially when you have to:

Decide who should review:
You have to manually set assignees for your code reviews to be done. You know that some people should review some pull requests based on their authors, modified files, labels - or a combination of those.

Set all those labels yourself:
You know you could write rules to categorize your pull requests with labels.

Rebase your branches:
Development never stops, and your pull requests are not always up to date with their base branch. You have to update them yourself to pass the CI correctly with the latest commits.

Wait for your CI to finish:
You approved the pull request, but it won't be merged until you wait for the CI to finish. You have to get back to the pull request to manually click on the merge button.

Backport the pull request to another branch:
You just committed a bug fix, and now you need to create a bunch of pull requests to get it on other branches. Here you go, typing a ton of git command and clicking in GitHub.

Software alternatives to Mergify

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