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MerciApp Promo Code

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Premium Deal
Spelling and grammar checker
MerciApp is the benchmark in French spelling, syntax and style correction. Test the Chrome extension to gain credibility and productivity in your writing.
Illustration of MerciApp on the deal page of Freelance Stack

30% off on any plan

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
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Freelance Stack 
Access our 400+ exclusive promo codes for €45 / year 💶.
general information

February 2025 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 30% off on any plan on any plan proposed by MerciApp.

Save 30% off on any plan on MerciApp thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer you discount, promo codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online services for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer validated discount exclusives that we negotiate directly with publishers to save you money. Our promo codes enable thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and consultants to save thousands of euros when purchasing software.

Don't wait any longer and save 30% off on any plan onMerciApp.

Software information 


MerciApp is a platform dedicated to improving the quality of French writing, focusing on the correction of spelling, grammar and style. Accessible via a Chrome extension, it offers context-sensitive suggestions in real time to help users write accurate, professional texts.

By optimizing writing, MerciApp enhances the credibility and productivity of its users, while adapting to the varied needs of companies and individuals.

First impressions are crucial, so let's aim for perfection!

We're committed to helping you shine in writing, so you can gain credibility every day.

Don't be afraid of being read:

When your written communication can sometimes lose credibility, MerciApp gives you the guarantee that your writings comply with basic rules of style, spelling and grammar.

Showcase your expertise:

Before sending an e-mail, publishing a piece of content or sharing a contractual document, use MerciApp to make sure you're showcasing your expertise.

Adopt the reference:

MerciApp's French-language correction engine is truly the most powerful in the world.

MerciApp is simply unique

We draw on the fruits of 30 years of linguistic engineering research and on high-performance analysis engines approved by over 200,000 writing professionals.

  • 715,000 Word forms
  • +3,000 Semantic rules
  • 300,000 Meaning of words
  • 200,000 Nodes in our ontology
  • 1.5 million word combinations
  • +10,000 Syntax rules
  • +200 Typographical rules
  • 250 million words in our corrected corpus

Software alternatives to MerciApp

Find the right software with our suggestions for alternative solutions.

When developing your business, it's important to compare the tools that can help you grow your business. There are thousands of different tools and software available. These tools are interesting alternatives to MerciApp.

Our new Premium deals

We offer you discount on over 400 different software products. We regularly add new discount on the best software dedicated to freelancers, consultants and entrepreneurs.

Discover these new softwares in addition to the deal we offer with MerciApp.

Our members have just used these deals 

Freelance Stack offers discount on over 400 different software products. That's both a lot and a little compared to all the software out there that can help you in your business as aentrepreneur or entrepreneur.

Discover new solutions and software to complement the deal we offer on MerciApp.