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LambdaTest Promo Code

Tool logo LambdaTest on the deal of Freelance Stack


Premium Deal
2 deals available
Perform Live Interactive and Automated Cross Browser Testing
Cross-browser testing cloud. Perform live, interactive and automated cross-browser tests on over 2,000 real browsers and operating systems online.
Illustration of Lambda test on the deal page of Freelance Stack
2 deals available
Premium Deal #1
Premium Deal #2

35% off on annual plan

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.

50% off on annual plan

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.
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general information

january 2025 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 35% off on annual plan on LambdaTest.

Save 35% off on annual plan on LambdaTest thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer you discount, promo codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online service for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer discount Validated exclusives that we negotiate directly with publishers to help you save money. Our promo codes allow thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers or consultants to save thousands of euros when subscribing to these softwares.

Don't wait any longer and save 35% off on annual plan on LambdaTest.

Software information 


LambdaTest is a cloud-based cross-browser testing platform, enabling developers and QA teams to test their web applications on over 3,000 browser configurations, operating systems and devices. It offers manual and automated testing, screenshots, video recordings and real-time debugging tools to help identify errors.

LambdaTest also integrates with CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and CircleCI, enabling teams to test throughout the development cycle. Thanks to its parallel testing and detailed reporting, LambdaTest helps companies to improve the quality of their applications and their compatibility across all browsers.

Perform live, interactive cross-browser testing of your public or locally-hosted websites and web applications on over 2,000 real mobile and desktop browsers running on a real operating system.

Automated testing:

Perform automated browser tests on a scalable, secure and reliable online Selenium grid. Run Selenium scripts for automated cross-browser testing on over 2,000 browsers.

Live tests:

Perform live, interactive, multi-browser testing of your public or locally-hosted websites and web applications on over 2,000 real mobile and desktop browsers running on a real operating system.


Automatically generate full-page screenshots of your web pages across multiple devices, operating systems, browsers and resolutions with a single click for cross-browser visual testing.

Cypress test:

Run end-to-end Cypress tests in the cloud on a fast, reliable and scalable infrastructure of over 40 different browser environments.

LT browser:

Deliver websites faster with LT Browser. A developer-friendly browser that offers a mobile view of the website on over 25 devices, with live testing and debugging on the go.

Selenium test automation on desktop Android and iOS mobile browsers online:
Run your Selenium test automation scripts on the online Selenium grid for desktop, Android and iOS mobile browsers. Develop, test and deliver faster every time with automated cross-browser testing using the LambdaTest online automation browser test grid.

Cross-Browser Testing of Desktop and Mobile Browsers:
You can choose from a wide range of Windows and Mac operating systems, as well as all legacy and recent browsers. You can also test your website or web application on the latest mobile browsers featuring Android and iOS mobile operating systems.

More reasons to love LambdaTest:

It's not just about infrastructure, you get a whole range of additional features that will make your cross-browser testing experience smoother and help you ship products faster.

  • Integrated debugging:

Integrated development tools to help you debug problems during live testing.

  • Testing locally hosted pages:

Locally-hosted web testing to back up your website or web application after deployment bugs.

  • Geolocation test:

Test from different locations to ensure that your users enjoy a perfect experience in all locations.

Software alternatives to LambdaTest

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