Notre code promo vérifié avec le logiciel
Profitez d’une réduction de 8 mois offerts sur le plan "Team" sur les services proposées par Sentry.
Economisez 8 mois offerts sur le plan "Team" sur l’adhésion à une offre chez Sentry grâce à notre partenariat exclusif.
Freelance Stack est la première plateforme de deal à vous proposer des réductions, codes promos et crédits sur 400+ logiciels, SaaS et service en ligne pour les entrepreneurs et startups. Nous proposons des réductions exclusives validées que nous négocions directement avec les éditeurs afin de vous permettre de faire des économies. Nos codes promos permettent à des milliers d'entrepreneurs, de startups, d'indépendants, freelances ou encore consultants d'économiser des milliers d'euros lors de la souscription de ces logiciels.
N’attendez plus et économisez 8 mois offerts sur le plan "Team" sur les services proposés par Sentry.
Sentry is the ultimate error tracking and debugging tool for developers ! Sentry integrates seamlessly with popular programming languages, frameworks, and platforms, making it a versatile solution for developers across various tech stacks. Whether you're building web applications, mobile apps, or backend services, Sentry has got you covered.
Error Monitoring :
- Gain full visibility into errors and exceptions occurring in your applications in real-time.
- Track and prioritize issues efficiently to ensure a smooth user experience.
- Get detailed error reports with stack traces, request information, and environment data to expedite debugging.
Performance Monitoring :
- Monitor and optimize the performance of your applications to deliver fast and reliable experiences.
- Identify slow database queries, memory leaks, and other performance bottlenecks.
- Analyze performance metrics and gain insights into application behavior to enhance user satisfaction.
Security Monitoring :
- Detect and respond to security vulnerabilities and threats in your applications.
- Receive instant alerts for suspicious activities, potential breaches, and code vulnerabilities.
- Protect your sensitive data and ensure compliance with security best practices.
Release Tracking :
- Track the impact of code changes and releases on your applications.
- Monitor version-specific errors and performance metrics to measure the success of your deployments.
- Ensure smooth releases and rollbacks with confidence.
Error Reporting and Alerting :
- Receive customizable and actionable error notifications via email, Slack, or other communication channels.
- Collaborate with your team to resolve issues promptly and efficiently.
- Stay informed about critical errors and take proactive measures to maintain application stability.
Application Insights :
- Dive deep into your application's behavior with transaction traces and event timelines.
- Understand how users interact with your application and identify areas for improvement.
- Make data-driven decisions to enhance user experience and drive business growth.
Level up your debugging and error management game with Sentry!