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Harvestr logo on the deal from Freelance Stack
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Harvestr Promo Code

Harvestr logo on the deal from Freelance Stack


Premium Deal
Build the best digital products, remotely.
Develop the best product, remotely. Capitalize on customer feedback to develop the right features at the right time. Turn your product into a growth driver.
Illustration of Harvestr on the deal page of Freelance Stack

50% off on plan "Rise"

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
general information

april 2024 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 50% off on plan "Rise" on any plan offered by Harvestr.

Save 50% off on plan "Rise" on a Harvestr offer thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer you discount, coupon codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online services for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer exclusive discount validated deals that we negotiate directly with publishers to help you save money. Our promotional codes enable thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and consultants to save thousands of euros when purchasing software.

Don't wait any longer and save 50% off on plan "Rise" on any plan offered by Harvestr.

Software information 


Tap the goldmine of customer feedback

  • Harvestr integrates with the tools you already use (email, support, CRM, etc.) to consolidate all your customer feedback into a single interface.
  • Understanding needs and identifying the best opportunities for improvement becomes child's play.

Develop the right features

  • By providing you with the context and data you need to prioritize your product improvements, Harvestr enables you to focus your resources in the right place at the right time.
  • Make considerable savings while increasing customer satisfaction.

Create a unique customer experience

  • Notify your customers and collaborators personally once a feature of interest to them has been developed.
  • Impress your customers by showing them that you really care.

Software alternatives Harvestr

Find the right software with our suggestions for alternative solutions.

When developing your business, it's important to compare the tools that can help you grow your business. There are thousands of different tools and software packages available. These tools are interesting alternatives to Harvestr.

Our new Premium deals

We offer you discount on over 400 different softwares and products. We regularly add new discount on the best software dedicated to freelancers, consultants and entrepreneurs.

Discover these new softwares in addition to the deal we offer with Harvestr.

Our members have just used these deals 

Freelance Stack offers discount on over 400 softwares. That's both a lot and a little compared to all the software out there that can help you in your business as a freelancer or entrepreneur and startups.

Discover new solutions and softwares to complement the deal we offer on Harvestr.