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Captured Promo Code

Tool logo Capté sur le deal de Freelance Stack


Premium Deal
A simple, efficient editor
Capté lets you create and integrate subtitles into your videos, without any editing knowledge. This software simplifies and automates the creation of subtitles. Subtitles are fully customizable and can be translated into several languages.
Illustration of Capté on the deal page of Freelance Stack

15% off on plan monthly / 20% off annual

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to new customers or customers on a free plan of the tool.

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
general information

april 2024 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 15% off on monthly plan / 20% off on annual on any plan proposed by Capté.

Save 15% off on monthly plan / 20% off on annualwhen you sign up for an offer at Capté thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer you discount, promo codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online services for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer validated discount exclusives that we negotiate directly with publishers to save you money. Our promotional codes enable thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and consultants to save thousands of euros on software subscriptions.

Don't wait any longer and save 15% off on monthly plan / 20% off on annual on any plan offered by Capté.

Software information 


A platform for automatically creating subtitles

  • Capté boasts a simple, easy-to-use interface. To create subtitles, simply upload a video directly to the platform, once you've created your account. Thanks to voice recognition, the words spoken in a video are automatically and accurately transcribed into subtitles.
  • Once transcribed, the subtitles are displayed in a text editor that lets you edit the content as easily as a Word document. You can also add text manually, which will then be integrated into your video. The platform allows you to adjust your subtitles instantly and to the second, using the arrows or your numeric keypad.
  • You can upload videos up to a maximum of 5 or 20 minutes, depending on your plan, and you have storage space ranging from 2 GB to 100 GB, so you can find all your videos in a single gallery.

Fully customizable subtitles in several languages

  • Adapt the size of your subtitles to your target medium: tablet, smartphone or computer. You can add a black background to your subtitles at any time.
  • Choice of 10 languages: English, Spanish, Italian, German, Polish, Russian, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese.

Capture your audience's attention with Capté subtitles!

  • Increase your visibility: Boost the reach of your messages
  • Save time: Subtitle your videos quickly
  • Save money: No need for expensive software

Easy export of your subtitled videos

Once your video subtitles have been edited, you can easily export your finished product. You have 2 choices:

  • Download an SRT file: The tool provides an .SRT transcription file for each video processed. It contains the text of the subtitles and the chosen time code.
  • Download video: You can download the video with embedded subtitles.

Software alternatives Capté

Find the right software with our suggestions for alternative solutions.

When developing your business, it's important to compare the tools that can help you grow your business. There are thousands of different tools and software packages available. These tools are interesting alternatives to Capté.

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Freelance Stack offers discount on over 400 softwares. That's both a lot and a little compared to all the software out there that can help you in your business as a freelancer or entrepreneur and startups.

Discover new solutions and softwares to complement the deal we offer on Capté.