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Airtable Promo Code

Airtable logo on the deal de Freelance Stack


Premium Deal
2 deals available
Building collaborative apps
Airtable works like a spreadsheet but with the power of a database, to organize anything. Sign up for free. Airtable is the compromise between a database and an Excel.
Illustration of Airtable on the deal page of Freelance Stack
2 deals available
Premium Deal #1
Premium Deal #2

$500 in credits

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to both new and existing customers.

$1,000 in credits

All our deals are negotiated by our team to give you the best discount and are updated regularly.
This deal is available to both new and existing customers.
general information

april 2024 -

 Our promo code verified with the software 


Benefit from a discount of 500$ in credits on any plan offered by Airtable.

Save $500 in credits on any Airtable deal thanks to our exclusive partnership.

Freelance Stack is the first deal platform to offer discount, promo codes and credits on 400+ software, SaaS and online services for entrepreneurs and startups. We offer validated discount exclusives that we negotiate directly with publishers to save you money. Our promotional codes enable thousands of entrepreneurs, startups, freelancers and consultants to save thousands of euros on software subscriptions.

Don't wait any longer and save $500 in credits on any plan offered by Airtable.

Software information 


Create solutions that reflect your business - Get work done faster with no-code applications that perfectly match your team's agility and scale.

Unite all workflows - Create a single source of truth tailored precisely to the way your teams work. Include everything you need, nothing superfluous.

Interface with work in a new way - Create customized interfaces that give each teammate the relevant information they need and a simple way to act.

Gather all your data - All your information. Always up to date. At your fingertips. Keep everything in sync within your organization.

- Connect everything. Organize anything, with anyone, from anywhere.
- Airtable fields can handle any content you throw at them.
- Add attachments, long text notes, checkboxes, links to records in other tables, even barcodes.
- Everything you need to stay organized.
- Say goodbye to duplicate data entry.
- With just a few clicks, you can link records between tables, creating intelligent relationships.

Software alternatives Airtable

Find the right software with our suggestions for alternative solutions.

When developing your business, it's important to compare the tools that can help you grow your business. There are thousands of different tools and software packages available. These tools are interesting alternatives to Airtable.

Our new Premium deals

We offer you discount on over 400 different softwares and products. We regularly add new discount on the best software dedicated to freelancers, consultants and entrepreneurs.

Discover these new softwares in addition to the deal we offer with Airtable.

Our members have just used these deals 

Freelance Stack offers discount on over 400 softwares. That's both a lot and a little compared to all the software out there that can help you in your business as a freelancer or entrepreneur and startups.

Discover new solutions and softwares to complement the deal we offer on Airtable.